Email Campaigns

The Email Campaigns screen lists all the drip email campaigns you are running.


[insert screenshot of listview email campaign]


You can click on a campaign to load the details.


[insert screenshot of summary view for an email campaign]


From here you will be able to configure current email campaigns.


Default tabs on the contacts screen include the following (note that additional custom modules will not be documented here):



This screen will show you the statistics for the campaign.


Campaign Builder

This screen will show you the full details of the campaign, the Status, From Name, From Email, Start Date as well as the emails.


Recent Updates

Lists the full audit trail of all activities and updates with the record.



This screen lists all of the organisation records (if any) that have been included in this email campaign.



This screen lists all of the contacts that have been included in this email campaign. If you have added organisation records to this campaign, any contacts against those organisations will be automatically added.





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